PostNord seized the opportunity offered by remote working during the corona pandemic and redesigned office work together with its staff. The result is a new head office supporting human interaction in a central location and close to good services, as well as ways of working that flexibly combine office and remote work.
The goal is a thriving and motivated staff that has the power to influence its own work environment and ways of working. Planning together and dreaming about the future also helped with the longing for encounters and corridor discussions caused by long-term remote working.
Our former head office was located next to our terminal in Vantaa, which made it easy to move between the two locations. An internal survey revealed, however, that many office workers longed for services and better transport connections around them. As a result, it was decided that PostNord’s headquarters would move from the Vantaa logistics centre to new jointly designed premises located in Tripla, Pasila in Helsinki.
The functionalities, interior design, and ways of working of the new facilities were designed together with PostNord’s staff.
We first set out to find out, through an electronic survey, interviews, and workshops, what kind of office space would look and feel like PostNord.
- Where would it be located?
- What would it look like?
- What functionalities would it have?
As the target began to take shape, we set out to find a suitable new space.
After the new office space was found, the design of the facilities and ways of working continued, and it will continue after the completion of the facilities in order to support the well-being of our staff in the changing situations and needs of the future.
Involving employees not only in the design of new office space, but also in the selection of the location of the office builds higher commitment and team spirit. Improving office functionality to support modern ways of working has also a positive impact on productivity.
This Planet act is widely scalable to all types of organizations, but requires investment and top management support.
Good job!