AI Driven Platform to Develop and Communicate Real Sustainability Actions

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The Planet Company 2.0 is soon here

We know that despite talks and targets, concrete sustainability actions pose difficulties even for companies and organizations.

What are we already doing? What should we do? What kind of real impacts do our actions have?

We provide corporations, mid-sized companies, frontrunner cities and financial institutions and their Sustainability Managers something new. Our Sustainability-as-a-Service Platform helps save time and resources in screening, developing and communicating real and verified sustainability actions. 

We are the only sustainability platform in the world that helps to understand real sustainability performance and develop actions with significant positive impact on business and sustainability.

The secret is combining AI with the world’s widest network of sustainability experts.

We are looking for forerunner companies to develop and test The Planet Company 2.0 with us.

How it works

AI screens, expert validates

AI screens the public material of a company or organization and searches for already made responsible actions based on them. After that our sustainability expert goes through the material produced by AI and verifies the sustainability actions.

Concrete acts

Confirmed sustainability actions are generated into a CSRD/ESG profile. It shows the impact of every action and makes it easy to communicate about them both internally and externally.

Verified impact

We help to increase sustainability and ESG performance. Our platform brings more concreteness to reporting and helps create new impactful actions that lead towards bigger goals

Interested in developing with us

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< 30% sustainability reports include verified data

We combine AI with the world's largest network of sustainability experts

As a result, companies receive data on the real impact of their sustainability actions.

We make it easy. We make it real.

Meet our team

We are The Planet Company. Together we have 100+ years' expertise in managerial, commercial, media, AI and sustainability sectors.