Together, we want to build a sustainable future. We are involved in many projects and organisations aimed at the development of our industry and our society. During financial year 2021–2022 we supported charities and initiatives with donations and pro bono work aligned with KPMG’s Values and Our Impact Plan. One of our key activities was our Community Day 2022, that was organized in August.
Over 100 KPMG employees in Helsinki, Turku and Tampere used more than 280 working hours for voluntary work during our Community Day. Employees also donated blood and organized a donations collection for the Ukrainian Association in Finland later during August.
For KPMG Community Day 2022, we collaborated with different organizations and activities aligned with KPMG’s Values and Our Impact Plan. Together, we planned and organized impactful activities, or our people participated in existing activities organized by the charities:
- Our people organized CV clinics for young people and Ukrainians in Finland in collaboration with the Finnish Red Cross’s Youth Shelter and Ukrainian Association in Finland.
- We collected clothing and supplies donations at our Helsinki office and delivered them to the Ukrainian Association in Finland.
- We gave digital aid to seniors at Roihuvuori retirement home in collaboration with Helsinki Missio.
- Our people donated blood at the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service in Sanomatalo.
- We cleaned Töölö Bay and the banks of the Aura River from litter.
- Our people participated in WWF Green office’s event to weed invasive alien species in Rastila together with other volunteers.
This act shows a positive corporate culture, which has a marked positive impact both on employees and the surrounding world. However, the actual impact of a single day of voluntary work is in itself really low, if non-existent. It can have repercussions though. If the employees continue their voluntary activities after the day allocated as work time the impact grows. The biggest impact of KPMG’s activities can, though, come from what they achieve during the day. If they help even one person to be employed or a young person to advance her or his career with advice the impact can be immense on a personal level.