Tokmanni – emission-free solar energy is produced on the roof of every 4th Tokmanni store
Solar energy is now being produced on the roof of every fourth Tokmanni store. In 2022, our target is to install more than 4,000 new solar panels. It is estimated that there will be around 28,000 solar panels in total on the roofs of Tokmanni stores and Tokmanni’s Headquarter and Logistics Center in Mäntsälä at the end of year 2022. In the coming years, Tokmanni aims to increase the share of in-house solar power to more than 10% of its electricity consumption.
Tokmanni’s goal is to be carbon neutral in 2025 with regard to its own operations. To achieve this goal, Tokmanni is seeking to reduce its energy consumption and increase its use of renewable energy.
Tokmanni is a global pioneer in adopting climate targets that are officially approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. With these targets, which are based on the Paris Agreement, Tokmanni will support the Business Ambition for 1.5 °C campaign and commit to do its part to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Tokmanni have received wide recognition for its climate work: according to the Financial Times, Tokmanni have been the leading Finnish company in the retail sector in reducing emissions in 2021 and 2022. Tokmanni has reduced greenhouse emissions from its own operations relative to revenue growth by almost 30% per year over the period 2015-2020.
The majority of the emissions from Tokmanni’s own operations arise from heating its properties. Tokmanni aims for practical and effective climate measures, and its emissions reductions related to renewable solar energy, for example, are monitored closely.
In 2021, up to 6 % of our total electricity consumption was covered by self-generated solar energy. The share of solar power produced on the roofs of Tokmanni stores was 5.2 % of the company’s total electricity consumption in 2020 and 2.2 % in 2019.
The production potential of solar energy varies in accordance with the weather and the season. In Finland, a solar power plant typically produces renewable energy from March to October, an average of around 15–20% of the annual electricity need of a Tokmanni store. During the summer months, in-house solar power can cover more than 50% of the electricity need of a store.
Tokmanni’s solar power plants usually have around 300 to 500 solar panels. For example, our solar power plant in Kerava has around 280 solar panels. The plant generates around 84.5 MWh of solar power per year, which corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of around 42 small apartments.
The solar power plants are designed in accordance with the area available on the roof and the electricity consumption of the property.
“We aim to further expand not only our store network, but also our network of solar power plants. As far as possible, we are seeking to have solar power plants installed in all our new stores. In addition, we will only purchase renewable electricity for our existing and future stores,” explains Harri Koponen, Vice President, Store Network and Concept at Tokmanni.