
Ruohonjuuri – Own emissions overcompensated

Reduced CO2e (tCO2e)

Ruohonjuuri compensated 100 % of our emissions by planting 1137 spruce seedlings.

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At the first time, we at Ruohonjuuri counted our carbon footprint (the year 2020) based on GHG protocol ( The goal was to minimize our own emissions compared to the size of the business. We wanted to understand our actions that have consequences to nature and compensate the emissions we have caused. Ruohonjuuri wanted to act at least carbon-neutral way.


In 2020, preliminary emission was calculated: 97 356 kg CO2, after suppliers compensation: 31 256 kg CO2.

These emissions were calculated:

Scope1: Ruohonjuuri does not have any actions in this field
Scope2: All electricity Ruohonjuuri has bought by itself is windpower that does not create any emissions. There were a couple of stores where Ruohonjuuri could not determine the energy source, but almost all electricity was emission-free even in those stores.
Scope3: Ruohonjuuri calculated all emissions that fitted this task: Trips made by airplane, employees´ way to work and back home, bought transportation services (mostly the website package traffic).


Ruohonjuuri compensated 100 % of our emissions by planting 1137 spruce seedlings in Sotkamo, Finland. Precise location: 64°06’09.8″N 27°56’15.7″E). Planting equals 650 364 kg CO2-compensation, so 100 % overcompensation will cover our carbon footprint for approximately ten years.

Project Director, Sustainable Everyday Life at Sitra
Markus Terho

This Planet Act combines environmental and social responsibility aspects and can be utilised by all types of organizations as a way to compensate CO2 emissions that can not be avoided. In addition, the locations where trees are planted are additional in nature and creates long-term employment opportunities.

About Markus
A corporate responsibility veteran, with over two decades in the industry. He has held several notable positions, among them, he has served as the global sustainability chief at Nokia. There he has managed global corporate responsibility activities, environmental and social responsibility, social investment portfolios as well as disaster relief and charity donations.
