
Koovee – Paperless accounting and office

Reduced paper (kg)

The financial administration and management of Koovee is being developed in co-operation with the stakeholders of Koovee in a way that fullfils the requirements and expectations of a modern sport organization. Above that Koovee is since 2023 using only electric signatures when it comes to signing of the documents and contracts.

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With the help of this act Koovee wants to indicate its resource efficiency, transparency and ”sport alike championship” also at the administrational level.


As a result of this act thousands and thousands pieces of paper are being handled electrically. Hence the financial administration of Koovee becomes more transparent and foreseeable – not to forget resource efficiency and saving of resources. Estimated amount of saved paper is annually around 7000 pieces of A4 paper that means about 600kg of paper


In practise this means initialization of electrical financial management and administration comprehensively in order to get weekly transparent financial reports.

Project Director, Sustainable Everyday Life at Sitra
Markus Terho

Implementation of this act requires analysis of paper use and where alternatives can be used to minimize paper use or replace it altogether. This act has the potential to be videly implemented in different types of organizations and offers immediate resource use minimization benefits and lowers carbon emissions.

About Markus
A corporate responsibility veteran, with over two decades in the industry. He has held several notable positions, among them, he has served as the global sustainability chief at Nokia. There he has managed global corporate responsibility activities, environmental and social responsibility, social investment portfolios as well as disaster relief and charity donations.
