Because it is a Tribe thing to do! That is why we have calculated our carbon footprint and we are compensating 100% of our CO2 emission 2020. Carbon neutrality means that we don’t contribute to climate change.
We get all fresh and delicious fruits and berries from nature. It is important for us to be able to give back to the Jungle!
A plant-based fresh smoothie full of vitamins and good energy is a climate act in itself. Our smoothies are good for you and good for the planet, as they have a relatively small CO2 footprint.
Yet we want to do even more! That is why we are compensating for all emissions for all smoothies sold in 2020. Carbon neutrality means that we don’t contribute to climate change.
We estimate that the 2020 emission will be 1 000 000 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent. We are compensating for all emissions from 2020.
How we calculated our carbon footprint:
Our plant-based products have a relatively small carbon footprint. We have also taken other measures to minimize our footprint, such as using only green energy and biodegradable packaging. But like most companies, we still produce some carbon emissions.
Natural Resource Institute Finland (LUKE) has calculated the amount of emissions we produce, so the figures are based on independent and impartial information. The figures include all emissions produced in growing and producing our ingredients, producing bioplastic cups and straws, use of detergents, water usage, raw material and internal deliveries, energy production, smoothie making, and waste.
The largest share of our emissions is generated in the cultivation of the raw materials, in freezing of certain raw materials, and in transportation. Transportation happens via sea or land freight and transportation emissions are calculated taking into account the country of origin of each raw material.
Compensating our emissions:
Our partner South Pole compensates for our emissions. We buy carbon credits according to the amount of our emissions, and South Pole uses them in projects which avoid carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere. Jungle Juice Bar wants to channel the compensation to projects that are taking biodiversity protection and the wellbeing of local communities into account in addition to climate benefits.
Projects best suited for this are forest protection programs, which are sustainably diminishing local deforestation pressure.
Jungle Juice Bar is taking part in two South Pole rainforest programs: The Agrocortex – program in Brazil and the Kariba REDD++ project in Zimbabwe.
The Agrocortex – program protects endangered southern parts of the Amazon rainforest from deforestation. Deforestation has been speeded up by cattle ranging, and both legal and illegal logging. By protecting the rainforest in the Agrocortex – program, we protect the rich biodiversity of the area and support the well-being of local communities.
Kariba is a VCS CCBS -certified forest protection program located in Zimbabwe. Vast areas of Kariba’s diverse rainforests have been successfully protected by this program. The Kariba -program has far-reaching impacts on wellbeing of local communities, education level and economic opportunities.
The ability to assess the CO2 emissions from cradle to gate requires specific competencies and expertise. Compensating emissions, that can not be avoided by a business, is the last action after all means of minimizing emissions have been implemented. This act is scalable to the combined amount of compensations projects that exist and are available to be utilized. The compensation projects used in this planet act include co-benefits linked to biodiversity and local livelihoods.
Join the Tribe! Enjoy your smoothie and feel good while Jungle Juice compensates for all its emissions in 2020. In addition to its own sustainable business practices, it goes the extra mile in compensating for the footprint of the entire value chain. By selecting solid partners, from calculating the company carbon emissions to projects benefitting the environment and wellbeing of local communities in Zimbabwe and Brazil, a great recipe for action is drafted and ready to be replicated.