We are involved in employing young people and planting a new carbon sink together with the Taimiteko project. By planting new forests in wetlands abandoned by Vapo all over Finland, we neutralize our carbon footprint every year. In fact, we plant more than twice as many new seedlings as our own direct CO2 emissions each year. In this way, we want to ensure that our indirect carbon footprint is also neutralized. Cooperation with 4H also enables us to help young people living in sparsely populated areas to network with companies.
We neutralize our own carbon footprint and help young people network with companies. Young people get the opportunity to get a job either by planting seedlings or we help them by offering jobs with us or our subcontractors at suitable places.
We have been involved in the Vapo and Taimiteko project in planting trees in the village of Soini in Pohjanmaa in a swamp area that would otherwise remain a desert swamp area.
The act is implemented in accordance with the annual plan and agreement with the Finnish 4H.
We are committed to one annual planting event, to which we go with the entire staff to plant trees and make our company known to the young people involved in the project. Young people have the opportunity to network through us, and for example last time we found a candidate video producer for our website.
The planting events are organized by young people and they serve as their point of contact with us, offering young people an opportunity to apply for jobs or otherwise offer us partners, such as a young photographer entrepreneur from Pohjanmaa area.
“Teemme EWQ:ssa aitoja asioita, joilla on merkitystä meille kaikille. On erittäin hienoa olla töissä yhtiössä, joka ottaa vastuullisuuden vakavasti ja pystyy osoittamaan näin konkreettisesti tahtonsa ja toimensa asian eteen. Suomi on edelläkävijä ilmastonmuutoksen ja siihen liittyvän aidon työn tekemisessä, me sen mukana vastuullisena suomalaisena työnantajana konkreettisten toimien etulinjassa.”
The potential impact of this act is huge. 20 million new trees will capture a remarkable amount of CO2 during the growth (one cubic meter of the tree is roughly equivalent to 1 ton of CO2). On top of that employing young people is one of the top priorities.
Vau, upea teko! 💚
On aina sydäntä lämmittävää olla mukana tukemassa lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointia, varsinkin, kun teossa on keskitytty samalla ilmastotyöhön. Kiitos Taimiteko, että saamme tehdä kanssanne yhteistyötä näin tärkeiden asioiden tiimoilla!