Promoting the circular economy with mobile phones. Mobile phone circularity does not have to be a cost burden but can benefit both nature and business.
Mobile phone circularity is a growing business that is fundamentally sustainable. For example, refurbishing a 4-year-old iPhone 8 and selling it to a new happy and responsible owner will save 42.4 kgCO2e, according to Elisa’s calculations.
Extending the life of your phone, for example, by repairing saves natural resources. Our Fonum business maintains and repairs as well as purchases used phones for further resale
A used phone does not always meet the new needs of its owner and for those users who want to change their mobile phones, we offer Elisa Vaihtoetu. Through that you can get a refund for an old phone when purchasing a new one. The old phone is then delivered securely for either resale or material recycling.
If the used phone is no longer suitable for re-use, it is also of great value due to containing materials. For example, one 14 carat gold ring requires the amount of gold contained in 80 phones. At best, up to 99 percent of the raw materials in a scrapped phone can be recycled. The phones can be returned to Elisa and Fonum stores, where they are delivered securely for material recycling. You can also order a free return box for returns. Elisa promotes the recycling of telephones through Luurit Looppiin –initiative (elisa.fi/luuritlooppiin).
Impact type: Expanding the life of used mobile phones.
Impact value: Purchasing used mobile phone instead of a new one enables mostly over 70 percent of CO2e emission savings.
More information about implementation:
– Recycling phones blog: https://elisa.fi/ideat/recycling-phones-is-climate-action/
– Elisa environmental responsibility: https://elisa.com/corporate/sustainability/environmental-responsibility/
– Elisa mobile phone recycling:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10B8RFia_TE
– Elisan Vaihtoetu: Elisa Vaihtoetu
– Fonum: https://www.fonum.fi/ ; Fonum – Käytetyt puhelimet edullisesti ja luotettavasti – 12 kk takuulla
– FiCom: Matkapuhelimien kauppa – FiCom FiCom
– https://youtu.be/nVONpj6jpaI