PostNord – Fully electric parcel home deliveries by Corina Radu
It is a great concern that PostNorth wants to solve which is saving hundred thousand tones CO2 per year, saving costs and time while achieving higher performance in parcel delivery. Amazing to see the efforts of the company setting up higher goals and try to achieve a more responsible future for its customers.
It is a project to be committed to and I believe it is theoretically replicable by other large organizations that are active in logistic industry.
However, as a sustainability expert, I must draw attention on the fact that in many countries in Northern Europe, such as Finland, we can see the electricity used for EVs is not 100% green. For example, in 2020 in Finland, 36% of the total energy consumption including electricity, heating and transport was based on coal, oil and natural gas, while only 8% from hydropower and wind.
This electricity mixed sourcing is in my opinion affecting the entire sustainability of EVs and therefore not deemed as long term and sustainable solution today.